Recruitment, orientation and information on how to manage a Personal Assistant. At Progress Center, we recruit people who want to work as Personal Assistants and provide them with an orientation on how to work with people with disabilities.
Progress Center also provides an orientation for people with disabilities on how a Personal Assistant should achieve their duty to meet your needs.
Progress Center does not hire Personal assistants. We only recruit them and offer an orientation. Progress Center maintains a list of Personal Assistants that have been recruited. When somebody calls us requesting an assistant, we provide them with this list. Progress Center is also not responsible for the contracting or firing of a Personal Assistant. Once Progress Center makes the referral, the person with the disability is the one who interviews and determines if the Personal Assistant will adequately cover his or her needs.
A Personal Assistant is not a servant. The Personal Assistant is solely responsible for addressing those needs that the person with the disability cannot do on his or her own due to that person’s functional limitations. Neither is Progress Center nor Independent Living Radio responsible for providing funding to cover the salaries of Personal Assistants. As stated before, we only recruit, provide an orientation, and make the referral. Afterword, it is the responsibility of the person with the disability as the employer, and the personal assistant as the employee to come to an agreement on payment and what services need to be provided.
If the person with the disability feels that the Personal Assistant is abusing his or her trust or vice versa, if the Personal Assistant believes that the person with the disability is requesting that other non-disability related functions be done, we can possibly mediate between the two parties to improve the treatment conditions.